Interactive 360°virtual reality panoramas allow your site visitors to view your business’s facilities as if they were standing in the room with the ability to look in any direction around them. Panoramas can be a single environment, which would be multiple views of one area. Multiple panoramas can also be linked together to create a virtual tour of your entire facility; this allows your site visitors to go from location to location in a virtual self-guided tour. Descriptive audio can be added to each panorama to give the site visitor a greater understanding of what they are viewing. In addition to descriptive audio, the natural sounds of each environment can be added to enhance the site visitor’s virtual experience. Music can also be added as audio to enhance the experience. The site visitor can move to different location by the use of doorways throughout the tour, but if they have a specific destination in mind and do not want to follow the programmed path a floor plan can be added and will allow them to move directly to other panoramas at their convenience. Interactive panoramas can be made unique and personalized by adding the company name and logo directly onto the images. The company brand will be seen in the same location on the image at all times, which will be helpful for site visitor.
Why Should Interactive Panoramas be Used?
Why Should Interactive Panoramas be Used?
· 60% of internet users take virtual tours online
· Properties complete with virtual tours are, on average, clicked 10 times more than those that do not offer the service
· On a typical day, more than six million people are taking virtual tours in cyberspace, up from roughly two million in 2004
· 80% of Internet shoppers say images are imperative when deciding to buy or use a company’s product or services
· In cyberspace, a site with a virtual tour and interactive media will receive 38% more views than a competitor’s site that is lacking media
· 47% said virtual tours were very important to a listing
· Statistics from show that listings with virtual tours get clicked on 40% more than listings without virtual tours
Look In Any Direction . <>.
"Property Week"
"ClickZ Stats"
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