Virtual tours are online displays of a place or item made with videos, panoramic photographs or a combination of the two. Virtual tours can provide potential customers, buyers or visitors with an in-depth look at a home for sale, apartment for rent, or attraction from the comfort of their home. These tours also can teach viewers about a topic, historical figure or location or art movement.
Virtual tours often are used for selling a home or renting an apartment. These tours provide a lot of information for a potential buyer or renter, such as the organization, feel and look of a home. Often, online virtual tours will be potential buyers or renters' first introduction to the home or apartment, especially if they are moving from outside the area. The goal of these tours is to show the home's strong points and make viewers feel like they are there, in the home. By viewing a virtual tour the buyers also get a feel for the area at which they might want to live. A virtual tour can show the highlighted areas of a small town or a big city; buyers like to be informed about what to do and where to go. The goal is to show viewers the attractions that define the city in an exciting and lively way to encourage them to want to travel to your location.